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Traditional customs of Qingming Festival(清明节传统习俗) 1.Tomb sweeping and ancestor worship 扫墓祭祖 In Chinese history, the prohibition of cold food and fire, the wor...清明节的由来英语作文 1 Qingming Festival, also known as Pure Brightness Festival or Tomb-sweeping Day, is one of the 24 segments of the Chinese calendar. It normally fal...

(^人^) 清明节源自于纪念介子推的寒食节, 而真正的清明节是唐玄宗于公元732年确立的。Then observance of Qingming found a firm place in Chinese culture and continued for over 1000 y...清明节在英语中被称为Tomb Sweeping Day (有时也被称为Chinese Memorial Day 或者Ancestors' Day) ,是中国的一个传统节日。清明是中国传统阴历第五个节气的...

1.清明节来历英语作文 On the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession and went to the tomb of our ancestors. Qingming Festival is a festival to worship ancestors and c...许渊冲英译《清明》((韵式aabb) 小编特别推荐 清明节诗句|清明节图片|清明节习俗|清明节英文|清明节由来|清明节资料 A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourne... 查看...